Custom Wedding Invitations | Meet Basic Invite

The story of a wedding day begins differently for every couple. It might be a logical next step after many conversations, or it might be a complete surprise for one half of the couple. It might be a public production of a proposal, or a private, two-person affair. It might be a combination of all of those! But the first step to sharing your special day with your loved ones always begins the same way: wedding invitations

We all know that wedding celebrations are just as unique as the brides and grooms who plan them. What isn’t regularly discussed, though, is how those idiosyncrasies can translate into invitations. These detail-filled invites don’t have to be printed on creamy white cardstock, with a ribbon slid into the center of the card. (Unless that’s your vibe, of course!) Enter Basic Invite, a company that offers an extensive number of great invitation options for couples to choose from. 

As a photographer, my wedding day responsibilities regularly include snapping a few shots of the wedding invitations, as well as styling these pages alongside rings, flowers, table toppers, and venues. It is always a joy for me to see an invitation serve many purposes: sharing wedding details, shining brightly on any given refrigerator or calendar leading up to the event, posted online when guests are unable to contain their excitement for the big day, or even kept carefully in a shadowbox or frame as a long term keepsake, by guests and couples alike. 

This online designing, printing, and distributing platform offers nearly unlimited colors. Not only can you instantly preview your designs online, but you can also alter the color of every single invite element to more than 180 options. Want all-white font with one pink ampersand in the middle? Looking for that perfect cornflower blue to match the color of your bridesmaid dresses? Hoping to find the same shade of fuschia as the groom’s lucky pair of socks? You will most likely be able to incorporate each of these important details into your invitations by using this platform’s extensive color choices. 

One huge perk of this company that stands out to me is its custom samples. Once your design is finalized, you are able to request a printed sample of your actual invitation before you ever place your order! I have seen many circumstances where something on the wedding day doesn’t quite line up or match, creating an extra little stressor for the wedding party. But this solves that issue for the invitations! If you receive your sample and aren’t 100% happy with the design, the paper, or anything else, you can return to Basic Invite and make the necessary changes. This is one of the few paper goods platforms that not only allows customers to request samples, but even encourages them to do so! 

I know that some future brides-to-be come to my page in order to bookmark links for their upcoming plans. I also know that those links can sometimes lie dormant for a few months or even years! I can say with certainty, though, that directing couples to Basic Invite will always be a good choice because of how regularly this company updates their collection to keep up with current trends. They just added rose gold to their foil line, rolled out a new clear collection for both sealing and sending invitations, as well as introduced foil place cards! The quality and customization of these products are simply unmatched. 

In addition to all of that, Basic Invite boasts more than 40 different envelope colors, over 800 ready-made invitation sets (from save the dates to menus for the big day to matching thank you cards!), fully customizable and free wedding websites, as well as a free address collection service. You can also order customizable guest books for your wedding guests to fill with their well wishes, advice, and fond memories. Not only does this site create a beautiful product, but the creation process has been streamlined in order to allow you to customize your wedding day to your liking, with as little stress as possible. 

If you are in the market for any of these services, I highly recommend that you check out Basic Invite and create the perfect products for your wedding day! 

A quick disclosure : this post was sponsored by Basic Invite, though I express my own opinions --I personally think Basic Invite is really amazing!

